Often couples therapy is required when there is stress within a relationship that hasn’t been able to be overcome using your normal coping strategies. If could be that one person requires more support to be able to address issues, or that a therapist is required to help the other person to develop an understanding of what the person is trying to communicate. Relationships are complex, and require constant work to maintain a healthy state. For many couples, outside influences can have a significant impact on how you now connect and support one another. Having a skilled therapist that can assist both members of a relationship to express their needs and to work towards resolution allows for relationships to return to a healthy state of reconnection.

Reasons People Seek Relationship Counselling:

  • relationship stress

  • infertility challenges

  • Grief & Loss

  • adjusting to parenthood

  • mental health issues

  • extended family stressors

  • different expectations of each other

  • infidility/extramarital affairs

  • communication issues

  • juggling family demands

  • parenting struggles

  • unmet needs

  • lack of intimacy

  • sexual problems

  • Feeling disconnected

  • marriage breakdown / separation / divorce

  • Neurodivergence or different parenting styles