Get to Know Kamellia

Get to Know Kamellia

“It absolutely can be daunting thinking about therapy, even more difficult when you are also navigating the pressures of motherhood”

“No matter what your worries are about therapy, I will work with you to create a safe space of compassion, trust and understanding”

“It’s Just Grief”

“It’s Just Grief”

Grief morphs, it hides, it lingers, it waits for the unexpected trigger to set it free once again, unyielding, and unpredictable, grief can be all consuming.

Grief lies in our anticipated future, our longed for past and the all too painful present. It taps into our attachment systems, our belief systems, and sits not just in our cognitions but within our bodies.

Questions you want answered by a couples therapist:

Questions you want answered by a couples therapist:

We all want to feel valued, nurtured and heard in our relationships. And relationship dynamics change overtime.

Attending couples therapy is a proactive step in the future health and well-being of your relationship.

Couples respond well to developing a new skill set at different stages of their life and fine-tuning their ways of connecting.

Ensuring emotional safety for the couple is an integral part of this process.