Online Psychology Appointments - Telehealth Consultations


It all started with Covid-19!

We have all had to adjust to a rapidly changing world, much of which has been stressful but also a time of innovation and opportunity. Covid-19 forced therapists to move to an online platform and the great news is that for many people, this provides the increased convenience of accessing psychological support in the comfort of their own homes. No more need for babysitters or to worry about how bub will transition in and out of the car. Some parents have used the opportunity to connect with me during their baby’s nap time - and of course if this isn’t the case, we love to welcome little ones into our online sessions just as much as they are welcome in our office.

Online therapy has also allowed for us to provide psychological services to those outside of Brisbane. We are excited to be able to offer our support to families that would otherwise not have access to a specialized perinatal service.

The Government has allowed for Medicare rebates to be available for online appointments for those seeking support under a mental health care plan. Private online sessions are also available - please consult your private health fund for further information about private health rebates.