How to choose the right psychologist for you.


How to choose the right psychologist.

Once you’ve made the decision to seek the help of a psychologist it can be very daunting to then try to decide who is going to be the right person for you. So how do you decide? Sometimes you can be lucky and be given a strong recommendation. But it this isn’t the case, here are a few things to consider:

1. If you want to get the most out of therapy, you need to feel comfortable with your psychologist. If it doesn’t feel like the right fit for you, don’t give up on therapy, just find another therapist. It’s like every other social interaction that you have, there are some personalities that are going to work better for you. This doesn’t mean that therapy isn’t going to be challenging or confronting at times, but when this is the case, you need to feel safe, understood, valued and supported during this process.

2. Read the psychologist’s website and profile and determine whether they actually work with issues that you want to address. Do they have a special interest or extra experience in an area that aligns with your needs? Remember, psychology is very broad and there are many different styles of therapy. If you have a particular issue, try to find a psychologist that works in that area. Feel free to ask your psychologist about their treatment approach so that you can get a feel for what style of therapy they offer.

3. Psychological therapy is not a lifelong commitment! Psychology can be useful during stressful periods or during times of personal growth. Use therapy to develop insights, learn strategies and to gain support but know that you will then be able to let go of therapy and live your life, applying what you have learned and harnessing your strengths. You may need to tap in and out psychology support throughout your life, and that’s ok too. You don’t have to see the same psychologist again if you don’t want to.

4. Give it a try – go to an initial appointment and see how you feel – trust your gut instinct. Remember, its totally up to you whether you continue therapy with this psychologist or try another. The most important thing is that you get the help that you need.